Thompson Releases Statement on Status of Tax Relief for Wildfire Survivors

Press Release


Washington – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) released the following statement on the status of his bill to exempt PG&E Fire Victims Trust settlements from taxes.

“Wildfire survivors who received settlements from the PG&E Fire Victims Trust should not have to pay taxes on their payments. Not only is it wrong, it’s unfair. My bill to make these settlements nontaxable is my top priority. In November, my bill passed out of the Ways and Means Committee with a unanimous 38-0 bipartisan vote. I am pushing House Leadership to bring this bill up for a vote on the House Floor so that we can continue to move forward. I have conversations daily about how we can get this bill to the floor and sent to the Senate.

“The only reason that this bill is not already law is because of Senate Republicans blocking it at the 11th hour last year. I am doing everything possible to get this bill signed into law this year, but the truth of the matter is that we need a tax package for this bill to move.

“I will not stop working on this until wildfire survivors get the tax relief they deserve.”