Thompson Urges McCarthy, Scalise to Commit Time for Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

Press Release


Washington – Today, Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-05) called on Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) and Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01) to commit time in the 2023 legislative calendar to gun violence prevention legislation. As Republicans released their legislative calendar for 2023, Chairman Thompson released a calendar of one-year mass shooting anniversaries to highlight the need for action in the wake of the mass shootings that break through and garner attention from the national media in addition to the daily gun violence that too often goes unreported. 

“Gun violence is an epidemic that is unique to the United States, and without gun violence prevention legislation, lives will continue to be lost and communities traumatized,” said Thompson. “Every day, over 100 lives are lost to gun violence, and in 2022 alone, there have been over 610 mass shootings. This is a crisis that demands that Republican leadership must commit to making this a priority, otherwise gun violence will continue to run rampant and additional lives will be lost.

“Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise have a responsibility to their constituents and the American people to advance policies that will save lives, and the American people overwhelmingly support commonsense gun violence prevention measures. They must make this commitment to work with Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and help us protect our communities and save lives.”

The full letter can be found here.